Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mathod 1 & 2 What is Web 2.0???

I heard the term “Web 2.0” about a year or so ago when it was being discussed by several of my library’s Web team members.  It was amazing what you could do on the web, but I felt a little intimidated. My fellow librarians, smart cutting- edge people, were well versed in various Web 2.0 concepts – such as creating their own Facebook pages and receiving RSS feeds. However, I do not feel I am anywhere close to being technology savvy; I still prefer using books to find information as opposed to the Internet.

After reading Stephen Abram’s article, “Social Libraries: The Librarian 2.0 Phenomenon”, I know I want to become a “Librarian 2.0.”    From now on, I will strive to not only take information away from the Internet, but also add my own data to the virtual collective by contributing to blogs and Twitter. I want to stay current and relevant to our patrons (customers) and go out to where they are instead of waiting for them to come to the library.  I want to step up.  Of course, I still need to learn more about the tools that are necessary for me to become Web 2.0 savvy, but I hope by going through this class it will put me on the right track.

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